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A Study of Office Building Typology to Fit Multiple-scale Start-Ups

Nowadays, China has more than 50 million SMEs. These SMEs account for 53% of the tax revenues, 68% of the share of imports and exports, and more than 82% of the new product development in China. However, people are not very clear about the competitiveness and importance of China's SMEs because they grow in obscurity for a long time.


It raises the question: how can we optimize the spatial organization of the office building to offer the Chinese SMEs, which survived in the crevice, a stronger position in the economic market?


The incubator is a proposal that speculates on the possibility of such optimization. By looking at the relationships and interconnections between the SMEs, the design seeks to strategically use the tree-and-nests typology to stitch these ‘neighborhoods’. This metaphorical and physical ‘tree-and-nests’, enables SMEs to start from a home office on the top and move to higher levels(downstairs) while growing. Plus, the tree-shaped structure not only supports the small-scale office space on the top but also provides open space for the conference center at the bottom.


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